You see, this Rolex, oh my, it’s a big shot watch! My neighbor’s kid, the one who went to the big city, he told me all about it. He said it’s called a Rolex Submariner, and it’s all the rage these days. This one here, it ain’t just plain, no sir. It’s got two colors, like a fancy pie. Blue and something else, gold, maybe.
I heard tell that these things, these Rolex two-tone blue Submariner, they are hard to come by. They don’t just fall off the turnip truck, you know? You gotta wait a long time to get one. Like waiting for rain in July. Six months, maybe a whole year, just to get your hands on one of these shiny Rolex watches. Can you believe that?
Now, my neighbor’s kid, he’s a smart one. He told me there are tricky folks out there, selling watches that ain’t the real deal. Fake ones! They look like a Rolex Submariner, but they are just pretending. Like a fox in a hen house.
He said, you gotta watch out for the band, the bracelet thingy. If it don’t look right, don’t match up with the right Rolex model, then it might be a phony. Like putting lipstick on a pig. It just ain’t right.
And the circle thing on the front, the…the bezel, I think he called it. The real Rolex, it has a thick bezel, like a good stew. The fake one, it’s skinny, like a beanpole. Easy to spot if you know what you’re looking for. These counterfeit watches try to be like the real Rolex Submariner, but they just can’t quite get there.
He showed me a picture on his phone, a real Rolex and a fake one. The little marks on the real one, they shine, like a cat’s eyes in the dark. The fake ones, they are just painted on, dull as dishwater. It’s the little things, you see. The devil is in the details, as they say.
- Rolex Submariner
- Two-tone
- Blue
- Official
- Real or fake
Now, if you open up one of these Rolex watches, there’s more to see. The inside, it’s like a whole other world in there. Tiny little wheels and springs, all working together. He called it the “movement.” And the real Rolex, it has a special thingy inside, a “Microstella,” he said. The fake ones, they don’t have that. They just try to fool you.
So, if you’re gonna get yourself one of these fancy high imitation Rolex two-tone blue Submariner, you best be careful. Don’t go throwing your money away on some cheap knock-off. Go to a good place, a Rolex official flagship store, where they know what they are selling. That’s what my neighbor’s kid said, and he knows a thing or two. It’s important to find a real Rolex and not a fake Rolex.
This Rolex two-tone blue Submariner, it’s a pretty thing, I’ll give it that. But it’s more than just a pretty face. It’s a sign, a symbol, I guess. Says you’ve done alright for yourself. Like a blue ribbon at the county fair.
But remember, a watch is just a watch. It don’t make you a better person. It just tells the time. And whether it’s a real Rolex or a fake Rolex, time keeps on ticking. Just like the seasons, come and go.
So, you be careful out there. Don’t let those city slickers pull the wool over your eyes. If you want a Rolex two-tone blue Submariner, you go to that official flagship store and get yourself the real deal. And if you can’t afford one, well, there’s no shame in that. A good heart is worth more than any Rolex watch, that’s for sure.
That’s what I think, anyway. And I’ve seen a thing or two in my time, you know. Life’s too short to worry about fake watches. Just be good to people, and the rest will take care of itself. That’s my advice, for what it’s worth.